Monday, March 16, 2009

Meeting to Where?

Just had one of those fun get-togethers I love. Three young pilots who are hoping to get some advanced certification to be able to do international flights. They need to pass the English certification test. When in doubt, they are told to come see me, since I practically wrote the test here (actually, parts of it I did write).

Anyway, these meetings all go the same way. They explain what they need, a talk to them a little bit to get a feel for their English level. Then I tell them what it will cost. They say they want to do it, but don't pay. "We have to talk about the money" they say. This sometimes means they simply need to hit up relatives for it. Other times it means that there is no way in hell they can afford my fee and I never hear from them again.

So tentatively we start classes together on Monday, which just happens to be my first day back at Colegio Americano, which means that if it comes off I will be a very busy boy for a few weeks.

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