Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Stayed up late working on a week of sub plans. Wednesday is going to be simply hell. It is a day that I have a schedule with no prep periods, plus I have duty during 1st recess, so my last day before my trip will be busy. Meanwhile I am desperately trying to get some final grading done so I can give out academic notices as needed before I go. I have to do that so the parents get them early enough to know if their child is having some problems before the end of semester exams hit.

Plus I have to wash some clothes, pack, make sure I have all of my documents and whatever else must be done before I leave tomorrow morning. I need to be at the airport at about 7am so there won't be a lot I can do Thursday morning.

In a rush to be on the road...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Slammed, Study and being a Geographical Bachelor

Wow, things have gone from crazy to totally nuts!

Partly it is teaching at my school, Colegio Americano. We are set dead in the middle of our second quarter. You's think that things would have settled down into a rhythm, but no. Lots of teachers and clubs and everybody else are having school trips right now. In fact today (Tuesday) I will have only two classes all day, since everybody else are off gallivanting around. That really guts your teaching plans, as you see classroom hours melt away. Also, this is a middle of the South American flu season, so there are a lot of kids out sick right now. I suspect more are staying home than would normally due to Swine Flu concerns.

And then of course the history class I was teaching at nights is over (thank God)! It was a great experience but it was tough to get through with everything else on my plate.

Partly is Lisa left to go to the States for a few weeks, so I am at home holding down the fort with five dogs, three cats, two kittens and a bird. Plus, I had to go through another round of bureacratic nonsense to get a replacement Ecuadorian ID card which I had lost earlier at the same time I lost my passport on my previous trip to the States.

Add to that I am in the middle of taking a Critical Thinking class which is required for the teaching certification program I am working in online. It is not a bad class content wise, but it is quite a bit more "thinking" required than most - strange, hmm?

Plus I am trying to get together for my next trip to the States. I am going to Phoenix and Las Vegas for a week. Partly it is to at least see my wife for a few days during her vacation. Partly it is because I need to pass the APEA - which is the test you have to pass to get your Arizona teaching certificate.

Finally, I am pulling all the paperwork together so I can officially apply for conducting my final practicums. I think this part is so much fun. Not only is it paperwork intensive, but I find the fact that I am a working teacher with over 12 years of experience need to take 9 weeks of student teaching and Practicums in order to get my certificate to be ironic. Understandable on some levels, but dripping with irony nonetheless.

I did take a few hours off during the 4th of July. I went over to Colegio Americano where the American Community was having the typical 4th of July picnic stuff - games - food - music, etc. Good times - and all free too. I don't know who paid for it, it was some sort of a joint venture between the local American Consulate, InterAmerican Academy and Colegio Americano, but free beer, hot dogs and burgers is always a good thing