Monday, April 13, 2009

Hot Romance, Teacher's Style

Okay, the teacher part is right, but the hot romance might be a long stretch. But my wife and I are going out on a date.

A grading date.

We do this from time to time when the stacks of ungraded papers on our desks get too high. We'll head to a local restaurant, order something to eat and some drinks, then spend a few hours catching up on our grading.

Actually, we get a chunk of our grading done, but no where near what we would doing it on ur own. That is because we are always stopping and reading some passage from our papers to each other.

Sometimes it is a "wow, she really blew this, let me read this to you..." and it is something that is completely hilarious. In fact, I might have to start posting a regular excerpt of the week.

Sometimes it is "WOW! This is great!" and we read off something that is so good it warms a teacher's heart."

Often, though it is "This sounds wrong, but let me read it to you, maybe I;m not getting it" which generally means the other will be as confused as the spousal teacher.

Anyway, it is educational marriage activity at its finest, done over an extra large diet coke.

Togetheress in Ecuador, who'd a thunk it?

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