Friday, June 26, 2009

Insane Week - US - Farrah and Michael

Wow, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson both gone. For a Generation-X guy living in Ecuador this has been a truly astonishing week. Much of it actually life changing in their own ways. I'm not just saying that the deaths of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett changed the world. I think it gave notice that the world has changed. What a week.

The week got off to a grand start with the US soccer team's shock win over Egypt, vaulting into the semi-finals of the Confederations Cup. Shocking even more that they trounced soccer giants Spain 2-0 a few days later. This allowed me to walk around with chest puffed out in soccer-mad Ecuador.

Then Farrah Fawcett died. Then Michael Jackson died. Wow.

Farrah of the impossible hair and dazzling smile, the young woman in that awesome one-piece red swimsuit that adorned the bedroom wall of millions of teen aged boys (me included). Michael Jackson of Thriller and the Moonwalk and the iconic single glove. Dead.

Farrah Fawcett succumbing to a painfully long battle with cancer. Oh My God! She was in her 60s!

Michael found dead in his home - autopsy to come. I am half expecting his to come back in a "Resurrection Tour", but then not really.

It is the notice to guys like me that we really are getting old. The icons of our era are starting to fall. How long until we too see our last days?

Pardon me, but I think I will just get through Friday and get very drunk this weekend. I'll start with a toast, "Farrah and Michael, good luck on the otherside."

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