Saturday, March 20, 2010

Expat Britons lose pensions appeal | Money |

Expats - people who live overseas from their home country, may be looking at some problems, at least if you are British and counting on pension monies to keep you solvent. A recent EU court case says it is legal for the British government to not pay pensions to retired citizens living overseas.

A lot of people go overseas because it is much cheaper to live, and you can often make a slim pension check go farther. Even I, who work overseas, depend in part on a partial pension the US Veteran's Administration pays me. While this is not a problem for US citizens now, I hate to think that politicians in Washington might hit on a (to them) brilliant idea of helping pay for the mounting deficits by taking away from a mostly powerless and voiceless constituency.

You can read details about the British case by clicking the link below:

Expat Britons lose pensions appeal |
Money |

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