Friday, March 20, 2009

Internet Scam Alert


Here is another Internet Scam that preys on hopeful job seekers looking for an overseas teachers jobs.

It runs off several names : (recently shut down by hosting company for fraudulent conduct)

is run by a guy supposedly named Harry Graber, who is supposedly working out of Germany, but in reality the IP addresses of the Internet Sites end up originating in either Nigeria or the Dominican Republic (bad news in itself). They offer a 24-hour customer assistance line.

They advertise high paying jobs with fantastic benefits. You are directed to fill in an application on line, then within 48 hours you receive an email such as this:

Dear Lisa:

Your application has been approved as of today. We checked all relevant
details in your application and everything looks fine with the information
you have provided. You definitely qualify for our Teacher Recruitment
Process. In less than ten minutes you could take the steps to changing
your life. Our recruitment process aims to ensure that the right teacher
reaches the right place.

Your Application has already been reviewed by some of our registered
employers and one school in particular is eager to get to know you right
away. This school is located in Paris, France - Reference number 5622.
Please find more information in the job list on our website.

The Job Placement Package includes:

-a guaranteed paid teaching job in a country of your choice.
Jobs4Teachers is associated with by far more than 600 reputable
Schools in 32 countries worldwide.

-Visa Processing and work permit. Our dedicated visa processing
team will walk you through this process every step of the way.

-Airport Pick-up and settling down. A Jobs4Teachers representative
will pick you up at the airport and help you to get settled into your life
as an English teacher.

Simply click the link below to follow up with the Placement Process:

You will be guided step by step through the entire process.

Sincerely Yours,

Gloria Weinberg
Teacher Support

Jobs4Teacher Support Team
Fax/Phone: +49-0-3221-1272059
Alte Landstrasse, Frankfurt, Germany

Copyright © 2002-2008 by Jobs4Teachers – Global job market for Teachers

When you contact them, you are told one school wants to interview you, but you need to forward a $45-$100 "application fee" before they can connect you with the school for the interview.

When you pay the fee, for some reason the "access code" for the interview doesn't work, and it continuously gets rescheduled, until you are requested to pay a higher fee, etc.

Remember, almost any Internet site that asks you to pay a "membership fee" or "application fee" to get an interview is a scam. Recruitment agencies get paid big fees FROM THE SCHOOLS to find good candidates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!